Important Facts You Ought To Know If You Have Bursitis
Inflammation of the bursa “a sac containing fluid that acts as lubricant to your joints, tendons and muscles“ can cause swelling and extreme pain, which can worsen by your every movement of the affected area. This condition is called bursitis. In Australia as well as in some other areas in the world, bursitis is more commonly known as “housemaid’s knees, but the truth is that the condition can also occur in other parts of the body where there joints such as the shoulders, elbows, ankles, hips, thighs or buttocks.
The two most common causes of bursitis are doing repetitive movements or positions for too long. That is why people in occupations that require them to maintain a single motion or position to accomplish their tasks are at the highest risk. Labourers who perform jobs such as such as cleaning and scrubbing floors, laying the carpet or installing tiles, gardening and painting houses are at risk. Athletes who can be prone to injury or strain with their routines of throwing balls, lifting heavy weights or doing extreme running are at risk.
If you think that only jobs that entail high levels of physical activities are at risk, then take note that even those pursuing “delicate careers, particularly musicians, are also vulnerable. Also, people working in front of the computer all day long and sitting for long periods of time, especially on hard or uncomfortable chairs, can cause irritation of the bursa.
Symptoms can be quite similar to other muscle and joint conditions swelling, localised pain that increases at night or when in motion, a feeling of warmth and bloating in the affected area, reddening of the skin, and stiffness. Thus, it’s best to have a health check-up in order to address the problem with the right treatment.
Your doctor could prescribe the following modes of therapy to alleviate the symptoms of bursitis and eventually get the affected area in healthy working condition again.
In some cases, the trauma or injury occurs near the skin which may cause the bursa to be infected. If infection is determined as the cause of bursitis, the doctor may prescribe a round of antibiotics.
Your doctor may also inject a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug directly to the affected areas.
In rare cases, surgical draining may be necessary for the inflammation to subside.
This is the most popular option because it is a natural, non-invasive form of treatment that brings long-term benefits. Your doctor may recommend therapeutic massage, a proven way to alleviate pain, swelling, muscle tension and stiffness that are commonly associated with bursitis. It can help blood circulation in the tissues and help your body to heal itself faster. Not all cases can be treated with massage (it should be avoided when the bursitis is due to infection), so it’s best to heed the advice of your physician. If it is advised, however, take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the multiple health benefits from the healing hands of a professional and highly competent massage therapist.